A breast lift procedure, also known as a mastopexy, restores the natural look and contour of the breast. Over time, the elasticity that once held the breast in place declines causing sagging and nipple displacement. The mastopexy eliminates surplus skin, reshapes tissue, and improves nipple positioning, restoring the breasts to a more youthful appearance.

How to Tell If You Need A Breast Lift

Nipple orientation is one of the more substantial considerations in determining if the breast lift is the right choice. When looking at the breast without a bra, if the nipple relaxes below the crease or inframammary fold, a breast lift is a good option. During the breast lift, the tissue’s lifted and reshaped, giving the breast a uniformly bilateral look. Addressing those concerns with Dr. Howland will determine if a breast lift is needed and what type of lift will best suit the patient.

Types of Breast Lifts

Where there is little sagging indicated, the incision commonly used is the crescent lift, which runs halfway around the top edge of the areola. The peri-areolar or donut lift, which corrects mild sagging and reduces the areola, along with the crescent lift, are two incisions used with breast augmentation. The donut lift incision trails the circumference of the areola, leaving a barely visible scar that blends into the outer edge. More moderate sagging utilizes the vertical or lollipop lift, in which the incision runs around the outer edge of the areola accompanied by a vertical incision to the inframammary fold. Incorporating the lollipop lift enables the surgeon to perform considerable reshaping of the surrounding breast tissue. If there is an extensive amount of tissue and ample sagging to correct, an inverted T or anchor lift may be elected. The anchor lift consists of an incision that follows along the inframammary fold, around the outer edge of the areola, and from the areola to the fold.

Combining A Breast Lift with Augmentation

When a surgery candidate prefers a larger fuller breast, an augmentation accompanies the lift. Doing both methods allows for maximum results and minimal recovery time with one surgery. Women who have lost breast volume due to weight fluctuation, age, or pregnancy are in favor of combining both procedures as a lift alone will not achieve the desired fullness and size.

Life After Breast Lift Surgery

Following surgery, which usually lasts between 1-2 hours under general anesthesia, the patient is placed in a bandage or surgical bra and sent home to start recovery. In the days following a breast procedure, the patient experiences swelling and tenderness. The post-surgery instructions usually consist of pain medications, limiting movement, returning to work, resuming more vigorous activities, and when an underwire bra is permitted. However, these instructions vary depending upon the patient’s specific needs and surgery.

Keeping Your Results Looking Their Best

In understanding how to keep a breast lift looking great, the patient needs to address the issues that will negatively affect the breast structure in the future, such as pregnancy and weight fluctuation. During the surgery consultation, Dr. Howland will discuss these points. It is best if patients are done having children and are at a stable weight.

Schedule A Consultation

If you would like a breast lift procedure then schedule a consultation with Dr. Howland. During a consultation, you can tour the state-of-the-art facility, talk to staff, and get all of your questions answered by Dr. Howland.