Gynecomastia, or enlarged male breasts, can be extremely difficult to live with. If it feels like nothing has achieved results, it’s important to know that your plastic surgeon can help. With a male breast reduction procedure, you can enjoy a flatter, more contoured chest with minimal downtime. Here’s what to know about this procedure and how it can help.

What Is Male Breast Reduction?

Male breast reduction is the process of surgically removing excess fat or glandular tissue from the chest. Although there are many terms that we have for this concern, the medical community refers to it as gynecomastia. New data shows us that gynecomastia is more common than we think; around 50% of all males within the United States will deal with gynecomastia at some point. It’s common during puberty but can often subside on its own. If you’re at an otherwise healthy weight and have no medical concerns that might be causing it, surgical male breast reduction is a good option.

Why Choose Male Breast Reduction?

Men who struggle with shame and embarrassment about their gynecomastia are prime candidates for male breast reduction surgery. If you shy away from situations where you would otherwise remove your shirt or you avoid looking in the mirror, you should discuss your medical history with your regular physician to determine if there are any underlying causes that can be addressed first. Understanding your gynecomastia and the treatment options available to you is the first step in the right path. With a successful male breast reduction, you can enjoy a more contoured and masculine chest.

Male Breast Reduction with Liposuction

One effective fix for gynecomastia is liposuction. Although this treatment is best known for removing fat from areas that have stubborn fat deposits like the stomach, it can greatly reduce the visibility of gynecomastia. During this procedure, Dr. Howland will use local anesthesia to numb the region and create incision points either near the armpit crease or near the areola of the nipple. From here, a cannula and surgical vacuum can be used to remove fatty tissue from the breasts. The total recovery process for most patients is around three weeks to a month. During this period, you should avoid strenuous activities or chest exercises that could damage the incision sites, and you should also wear a compression garment to help with swelling.

Male Breast Reduction with Tissue Excision

For more severe cases of gynecomastia, or if you have excess skin around your breasts, you might require more extensive treatment. In this case, Dr. Howland will create an incision point and remove glandular tissue within the breast and remove loose skin to create an even and toned appearance on the chest. The recovery time for this procedure is similar to the liposuction method, although it may come with more pain and swelling. Most patients find that they’re able to return to their regular activities within a few weeks, with intensive workouts after a month or so.

Schedule a Consultation

Male breast reduction can be an excellent option for feeling confident in your look. To get started and learn more about your options, we invite you to contact our Murray office by calling or filling out our online form.