The appearance of lines and wrinkles on the neck can be subtle and not-so-subtle signs of aging. And for many people, these signs of aging can also be a source of insecurity. The same applies to loose neck skin, sagging jowls, a double chin, and excess fat on the lower face or neck. To address these concerns, a neck lift can be a great option. But what does a neck lift entail exactly? Let’s look at this life-changing aesthetic procedure we offer at Howland Plastic Surgery.

What Is a Neck Lift?

A neck lift is a cosmetic procedure that involves surgically removing excess skin and fat from the neck to minimize the appearance of lines, wrinkles, and creases, and eliminate jowls, sagging skin, and a double chin. The procedure can help patients look years younger and provide a smoother, slimmer profile. Ideal candidates for a neck lift are those who meet the following criteria:

  • Nonsmokers
  • In generally good health
  • Have realistic expectations
  • Do not have medical conditions that could slow down or impede healing

What Can You Expect During a Neck Lift Procedure?

To start, local or general anesthesia will be administered. Which one is used will depend on your preferences and how extensive the surgery is. Next, Dr. Howland will make an incision that extends from the top of the ear to the lower hairline on both sides of the patient’s face. Next, he will perform one or more of the following to improve the appearance of your neck:

  • Remove or sculpt excess fat tissue to create contours that are more aesthetically pleasing
  • Tighten or reposition tissues underneath the skin
  • Drape and reposition skin over the newly made contours
  • Trim away any excess skin

Once everything is in place and all excess skin and fat have been removed, Dr. Howland will close the incisions, and you’ll be able to start your recovery journey.

Recovering From a Neck Lift Procedure

Most people experience swelling and bruising immediately following a neck lift. You may also notice some discomfort for 2 to 4 days after surgery. To combat the discomfort, Dr. Howland will prescribe pain medication. He may also place an external drain near the incision site to prevent fluid buildup. To help ease swelling and bruising, you’ll want to keep your head elevated and limit unnecessary neck movements.

Most side effects will resolve about two weeks post-surgery. At this point, you will be able to see the new contours of your neck. That said, it typically takes a few months before the final results become visible.

Schedule A Consultation

Most patients who have undergone a neck lift at Howland Plastic Surgery say the procedure was well worth it and that it contributed to them looking and feeling years younger. Are you ready to take the first step to achieving your aesthetic goals? Schedule a consultation today by calling our Draper, UT office at (385) 313-8590 or fill out our online contact form.