Have you started to notice some extra loose skin on your arms? Sometimes arms can start to resemble a sort-of bat wing appearance due to the amount of sagging tissue. If this sounds like you, then you could benefit from an arm lift procedure at Howland Plastic Surgery. Arm lifts can give you the sculpted, sleek look that has gone missing from the upper arm.

What is an Arm Lift?

Many people who have excess fat on their arms wonder how they can get a more sculpted look. Going to the gym doesn’t always help with this problem, no matter how many weights you lift you can still be stuck with some loose skin. The arm lift procedures, also called brachioplasty, help to remove this excess skin and fat for you. Many people start to get this loose skin as they get older, aging, genetics, and fluctuations in weight all play a role in the accumulation of excess skin on the arms, but you do not have to live with this. Through different incisions, Dr. Howland can remove the tissue from the arm and have you feeling confident again. Different incision types are:

  • Limited-Incision Brachioplasty
  • Standard Brachioplasty
  • Extended Brachioplasty

What to Expect At Your Arm Lift Procedure?

During the procedure, you will be put under anesthesia. The incision that is used will be chosen during a consultation appointment. At the consultation appointment, your arms will be examined as well as the elasticity of your skin and your medical history. This will help ensure that this procedure will be beneficial for you! Then fat and skin will be removed from your arm to give you that sleek look that you’ve always desired. Sometimes liposuction will be used in conjunction with the surgery as well if your skin has good elasticity.

Are You a Good Candidate for an Arm Lift?

If you are living with skin laxity in the upper arms, then you are the type of person who would benefit from an arm lift. It is important to note that the best candidates should be at a stable weight, non-smokers, and are committed to a healthy lifestyle to retain results. To know if this procedure will be great for you, schedule a consultation appointment at Howland Plastic Surgery. Dr. Howland will go over all of your concerns and aesthetic goals when determining what procedure will be most beneficial.

If you are interested in learning more about arm lifts and how to get rid of fat on the arms, then contact us today. We would be happy to answer any questions that you may have.