Neck lift surgery helps to tighten the skin of the neckline to provide a more youthful appearance. This type of surgery is often done in conjunction with a facelift, or it may be done as a separate procedure. A neck lift offers removal of excess fat and skin that collects on the neck area, as a result of normal aging. Dr. Howland can provide information and instruction to help you prepare for your neck lift procedure for successful healing and good results.

What Is Neck Lift Surgery?

A neck lift is a surgical procedure that involves removing a determined amount of fat and loose skin from the neck area to provide a younger and more attractive appearance. In the procedure, an incision is made at the sideburn area and may continue around the back of the ear and the posterior hairline. Fat tissue is contoured or removed. If needed, the neck muscle is tightened to provide better support for the tissues. Skin under the chin may be removed for a sharper neckline. After these steps are complete, a thin tube may be inserted to drain fluid. The incision is closed with sutures and then covered with a bandage to protect it during healing. Sutures may be dissolvable or may require removal at a later date. Dr. Howland will provide instructions for wound care after surgery, along with medications to prevent infection and reduce discomfort.

What Are the Risks & Complications Involved in Neck Lift Procedures

You should follow Dr. Howland’s instructions carefully after surgery. Some individuals may experience reactions from the anesthetic, bleeding under the skin, blood cots, or infection of the wound if they fail to follow their surgeon’s instructions. Scarring or nerve injury may also occur in very rare cases. If you carefully monitor the incision and notify Dr. Howland of any problems immediately, you will be less likely to experience any complications from the surgery

How Do I Prepare For My Neck Lift Surgery?

Dr. Howland will provide a number of instructions to prepare for your surgery, including:

  • You should stop smoking, because smoking may impede the normal healing of tissues.
  • You may be asked to stop taking aspirin or other blood-thinning medications, which can affect bleeding during and after surgery.
  • Arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery.
  • Have someone stay with you the first night after surgery, in case any emergency arises.
  • Read your post-surgery instructions to ensure you understand your part in the healing and recovery process.

What Outcome Can I Expect?

The incision area will heal over a period of several weeks. In addition, it may take a number of weeks or even months for the swelling to subside, in order to see the final result of your surgery. The incisions should be concealed by the normal contours of the face and neck. You may be required to avoid vigorous exercise or straining the neck structures for a period of time. Your outcome should provide a more smooth and youthful neckline and greater confidence in your appearance.

If the years have caused sagging and wrinkling of neck tissue, making you look older and feel less attractive, consider a neck lift procedure. This surgery has provided successful outcomes for many individuals who want to improve their appearance. Call our office for a consultation today to learn how a neck lift can help you feel more attractive and confident.