With so many body contouring procedures available, choosing the right one for your concerns can be challenging. When it comes to tightening and toning your midsection, the tummy tuck is the most effective option for many. So, is the tummy tuck right for you?

You have loose skin and tissue

Loose skin and tissue are often present after a dramatic weight loss, after pregnancy and childbirth, or from the natural effects of aging. When the skin and tissue become stretched out, it can be virtually impossible to improve without surgery. The tummy tuck can affectively tighten the underlying tissue and remove excess hanging skin to help you achieve a flatter abdominal. While small amount of stubborn fat will be removed during the process, larger amounts of fat may require added liposuction techniques to your procedure.

You are committed to a healthy lifestyle

Before you consider the tummy tuck, consider your lifestyle. Are you practicing a healthy diet and regular exercise routine? The best tummy tuck results come to those who are already in good health and within their ideal weight range. the tummy tuck is not an alternative to weight loss, and to maintain your results, you’ll need to ensure that you are not at risk for a dramatic weight gain in the future.

You’re ready for a surgical procedure

The results you can get from a tummy tuck are dramatic, but the procedure is surgical, requiring medication, incisions, and downtime. You need to make sure you’re prepared to take the necessary time off in order to properly rest and recover at home.

The best way to ensure that the tummy tuck is right for you is to schedule your consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Howland. Dr. Howland can examine your midsection, discuss your concerns and goals, and confirm that you are a good candidate. To schedule your consultation, contact our office today.